In addition to the brand discovery and repositioning efforts, I had a heavy hand in working alongside the Director of Product Development to create intentionally designed products and a well thought out story around the new custom apparel we produced. Many of the projects managed involved a team of Designers, a Design Manager, an Illustrator, a Project Manager, an E-Commerce Manager, Photographers, and Videographers that needed to be informed and on the same page as to what expectations were for us to succeed in our marketing efforts. I put in place a strategy to frequently check and look ahead to what notable characters from well known movies and fictional productions were entering the public domain and are/will be fair use under copyright law to produce hat patches and various products featuring the likes of Steamboat Willie, King Kong, etc. Some of the newly developed product offerings I directed, managed, named, and wrote the description + product detail copy for can be found below.
Bare Canvas 5 Panel Rope - Wheat
Bare Canvas 5 Panel Rope - Wheat
Bare Canvas 5 Panel Rope - Marine
Bare Canvas 5 Panel Rope - Marine
Bare Canvas 5 Panel Rope - Peach
Bare Canvas 5 Panel Rope - Peach
Cortaro™ Collection
Each product offering has multiple colorways. Feel free to browse at the Branded Bills website or click the product image to view the additional options for each category.