Brilliant Living
Brilliant Living is a team of motivational speakers who aim to help others fulfill their life purpose and experience joy through the use of mindfulness, routines, and patterns. Specifically, the purpose of their teaching is for those who participate to connect with others on a deeper level, become a servant for others, love more prominently and presently, and to have a more positive attitude and outlook on life. Much of what they speak to and the breath work they teach is prepared for veterans and people suffering from PTSD—yielding very positive results rooted in eastern philosophies. They needed a logo that was able to be used as a whole or stripped back, along with a branding package, a brand standards manual detailing the package specs, and a website to kick things off and serve as a store to sell tickets to seminars. The work was well received and I look forward to catching a seminar in person to learn to serve others even better.