Payground is a cloud-based payment platform for healthcare practices of all sizes and aims to help people make and receive payments quickly, easily, and more securely. Say goodbye to filling out paper forms at the office, Payground keeps track of you and your family's medical data in one easy digital space for you and your doctors to easily access. It services both the patients and providers, providing them exactly what they need, when they need it and sends reminders when you need them so you don't accidentally miss that one very important piece of snail mail that may or may not make it to your physical inbox. I was tasked with creating a brand standards manual, a photography do/do not list, UX design for the website, and scriptwriting/directing how-to videos for training materials both internally and externally. Because much of this was happening simultaneously to the web development, the scripts helped to dictate much of the user flow and we added some much needed actions and pages to better help the overall user experience make more sense such as an ability to initiate and approve refunds. Work completed while at Sandoval.